Friday, June 02, 2006


"Regrets, Ive had a few
But then again, too few to mention.
I did what I had to do
And saw it through without exemption." - Frank Sinatra, "My Way"

We all have regrets, times where we wish we could go back and change that one decision or seize that one opportunity. "If onlys" seem to dominate many people's minds these days. But you have to look at the flipside - you wouldn't be who you are without those decisions. For example, if I had seriously studied in college and pursued the degree I was looking to get - I'd probably be in Hollywood as a part of some film crew. Sure it'd be an exciting life to make movies, but would I have come to know Christ? Would I be married? Would she have been as wonderful as Brenda? What if I didn't have the courage to ask my wife out on our first date? I think I would be living in Texas with my mother right now working at some rundown movie theater. Seriously.

Live in the now and learn from the past. It's not a crime or bad to wish for the times of your youth, but never ever for a second believe that those times were better than today. What we remember are the good times for the most part, like when I was in high school. I remember all the fun we had piling into my friend's mini-van and going to the local burger joint, grabbing a huge sack of burgers and making cat-calls at the girls in the parking lot. What I try to forget is the times I felt so alone because my friends all had girlfriends and the taunting I got from the jocks for being a fattie.

Would I trade away anything that has happened to me over my life? There may be one or two moments, but for the most part - no, I wouldn't. Everything that has happened to me has culminated and fused together to make me who I am today. Remember that...

Carpe Diem, my friends...

"Look, if you had one shot,
one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted
One moment
Would you capture it or just let it slip? " - Eminem, "Lose Yourself"


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