Thursday, June 08, 2006


"Envy is a waste of time." - Author Unknown

Sure we all struggle with jealousy and envy. We look around us everyday and see something that someone else is doing or has and wished that we had the same things or opportunities. But envy can lead us down some dark roads. Roads that lead to restlessness, discontentment, anger, and depression. This can eventually lead to poor food choices and lack of enthusiasm for exercise and cause us to lose our focus.

I am struggling with that a little bit today. But you know, I shouldn't be envious. Their situation is fraught with their own set of problems - some that I know of and I am sure there are many others that are just beneath the surface. Instead I will make sure to wish them well today and be thankful for what I have and for what God has allowed me to accomplish.

Don't get sucked into the mainstream that you aren't cool if you don't have the latest and greatest or are wearing or driving something cool. Be content and feel blessed with what you have and watch as God blesses you with more.

No sense in letting jealousy grab ahold of you, it will only lead to misery. Again, be content with what you have but not with who you are - you can always improve yourself.

"Envy is the art of counting the other fellow's blessings instead of your own." - Harold Coffin


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