Tuesday, June 13, 2006


"It is not enough for a man to know how to ride; he must know how to fall." - Mexican Proverb

It's all about perspective when it comes to failures. Sure we hold a pity-party and cry about the failures when they come. Or we can change our perspective and look at the situation from a different angle and try to gain some sort of insight or bright spot.

Dave Ramsey said something that made me think a little- he spoke about the old saying "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade," but he continued, "Or you will spend the rest of your life tasting it's bitter fruit." Or something to that effect. It's true, you can wallow and moan about your situation or you can pull yourself up by your bootstraps and make changes that will bring a positive result.

Take time today to think about a failure or some unfavorable situation and resolve to find something positive in it. You'll be surprised what a new frame of mind/different perspective will achieve...

"My play was a complete success. The audience was a failure. " - Ashleigh Brilliant


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