Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The Storms of Life...

"You can overcome anything if you don't bellyache." - Bernard M. Baruch

Last night we had a major storm that hit the area. I woke up to go out jogging (as a part of my daily routine) and saw firsthand the aftermath. Lightning had struck one of our pine trees and cut it almost completely in half. I was dark out yet so I really couldn't see what other damage was done. What I did see around the neighborhood was tree branches and other debris littered the streets, sidewalks, & yards.

When light broke through the darkness I could better assess the situation. Dead limbs, twisted branches, and other miscellaneous debris littered both my yard and the neighbor's. It took all my strength to take the pine tree to the road. Spent time clearing the yard and getting all the dead stuff out to the street for the city to pick up, all the while thinking about this:

Like the storm that came through last night, sometimes we need the storms that enter our lives to shake us up, breaking free the dead wood so that we can clean it up and discard it. From medical emergencies to car breakdowns or financial woes, when the storms of life come we need to thank the Lord for them. Because through them we will learn what true faith is - where our hearts truly lie. If we fret and worry then we do not fully trust the One who created us. But if we are patient and thank Him for these trials and ask for the strength and wisdom to overcome these obstacles, we will grow and mature.
Sure it's easy to automatically go into panic mode and a 'woe is me' attitude. You have a choice - you can allow the storms to victimize you or you can stand up in faith and learn from the situation. The choice is yours to make.

"If you don't like something change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it." - Mary Engelbreit


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