Friday, February 26, 2010

"Winners Never Quit..."

Out on my run this morning I was thinking about this quote for one reason or another. Thanks to Seth Godin, I see that quote as false. In his book, "The Dip", Seth explains that the adage needs to change to:

"Winners know WHEN to quit..."

Winners tend to stop doing something when either they lose traction or the "opportunity cost" outweighs the benefits. It's better to quit something when it becomes less than stellar than to slog through to mediocrity.

I see that in my own life now that I have time to reflect. When the relationship is stagnant or remains superficial, it's time to cut loose & move on. I know that sounds harsh & cold, but would you rather waste energy & emotional investment in 10 friendships that never go anywhere or would you rather have 3 friendships that become deeply rooted & meaningful?

I would hope that for the most part you would want a deeper friendship than a purely superficial one. The trouble is not being able to recognize right away if the friendships are worth going further with without making a significant investment. But that's life.

I have also seen it in my weight loss journey as well. Trying new things, new paths, experimenting with different ideas & concepts I have read about. Making investments to really give them an opportunity and finding that the fit just isn't there or the results are not as expected. Cut the losses and move on.

It's painful at first, thinking of all the energy & emotional investment hoping that things work out but finding that your efforts are meaningless. But when you switch tracks, you often find that it was the best thing you have ever done.

I like the quote I posted by Tim Cook of Apple. I imagine they switch tracks often once they realize the one they're on is going nowhere or doesn't lead to their destination.

Seth Godin - "The Dip", I highly recommend it...


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