Friday, May 16, 2008


"It is easy to take liberty for granted, when you have never had it taken from you." - Dick Cheney

Freedom isn't free. It's not a right that everyone is entitled to. It's something that was fought for, died for, and unfortunately we as a country have taken much of it for granted. We have the freedom of choice of what to eat at any time of the day or night. From the fridge to the corner store, to even fast food restaurants open at all hours of the day or night. Freedom of choice, but it's up to us to make the right choices as far as our eating habits.

The more processed and preserved food we choose over making something from scratch, the more we perpetuate the cycle of obesity in our country and what we pass down to our children.

I am going to try harder to make better choices in what I eat and what I feed my family. Join with me to break this cycle in America!

"In the truest sense, freedom cannot be bestowed; it must be achieved." - Franklin D. Roosevelt


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