Friday, February 23, 2007


"Don't ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." - Harold Whitman

What drives you?

Someone once said that if you choose to make a career out of something you enjoy, you will never work another day in your life. I always dream of that. Doing something I enjoy and never dreading going to work like we all do some days.

Things are exploding around me. I was on the local public access channel for an interview the other day. Turns out the host is a director of wellness for a big health insurance company. She is interested in me coming out to speak to some of their clients on healthy living.

I have a seminar coming up that is sponsored by the local hospital, they had to change the venue because the event was maxed out with a waiting list for the venue they had originally selected.

I am going to be in the Zeeland Record, & the Holland Sentinel because of the seminar.

I am filling out a business license application for 4:13 Fitness Concepts, a business I am starting up to handle the speaking engagements.

Am I excited? You bet. Am I scared? You bet. But I love speaking to people, I love being able to inspire others. I love the feeling of comforting those that need it. If I could make my life out of speaking to people around the world, that would be great.

I have to remember, one step at a time...

So tell me, what are you passionate about? No, really. Post a comment about what you are passionate about, I'd love to hear it!

"Follow your passion, and success will follow you." - Arthur Buddhold


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