Monday, September 11, 2006

Things done differently...

"If nothing ever changed, there'd be no butterflies." - Author Unknown

Found someone I went to school with on Myspace (well I found a few people) and we have been conversing a little back and forth, catching up and all that. I had commented that since high school, many of the things I envied in people had become really petty over the years.

For example, 2 of the preps I knew in high school - guys that seemed to have it all, chicks, money, friends, etc., we in totally different situations now. One is a car salesman and the other is a realtor. They turned out a lot different than I had once imagined they would after high school/college. But that's the thing, we have plans but sometimes those plans don't work out the way we had hoped. Just to toss in a bible verse - Proverbs 16:9,

'We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps.'

In the conversation, she had mentioned an experience at a store in Chicago when she was 18. She was being lorded over because the staff thought she was a model. Once the truth came out, some had suggested she get into the business. She chose not to take that particular career path, but as all of us do - sometimes wondered what would have happened if she did. Of course not saying that the lives we have now aren't great, but there is always a few 'what if's' hanging in the back of our minds.

I have a few, 'What if I got the balls to ask Luann to the prom instead of going with Andrea?', 'What if I got my act together and pursued the film career path at WMU instead of being overwhelmed to the point of suicide?', 'What if I didn't meet Bren, would I be living in Texas with my mother right now?'

I've heard it before and always seem to use it when people say, 'I should have' or 'I could have' - Hindsight is ALWAYS 20/20, always. Sure there are things that I would have changed or done differently, but that wouldn't have brought me to here, to right now. Have you ever seen the movie, "The Family Man" with Nicholas Cage? He had the opportunity to make a different choice in his life, to snag the girl he'd let go of previously. He went from Wall Street to Main Street, watch the movie to see what he chose to do in the end...

It's alright and important to make plans for your life, but remember who holds that life in the balance. Little interruptions or distractions or frustrations may be steering you onto a pathway that is better than you could ever have even imagined...

"Things alter for the worse spontaneously, if they be not altered for the better designedly." - Francis Bacon


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