Monday, August 28, 2006


"All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another." - Anatole France

Was watching "Can't Buy Me Love" this afternoon on television. This is one of those 80's teen flicks that has a place deep in my heart. The story of a nerd that basically pays his way into popularity and how the whole thing blows up in his face because he tries to be something he isn't. He cannot accept who he is and build relationships off of that.

I guess I feel a little like him lately. Trying to fit in where I really shouldn't be. I need to learn to be content with how God made me and not worry about being like or popular. Trust me, even when you get older, that whole "preps", "jocks", "nerds" thing still seems to haunt you. You're not "in" unless you have the right car or clothes or job.

I am going through changes with my weightloss, but I cannot let those changes change who I am in Christ. I cannot let those things deter me from reaching out to others in love. I cannot let the promise of being accepted by my peers control and shape my way of thinking - not speaking out or rebuking when necessary.

Funny, yesterday at the farmer's market I saw my Latin teacher. I hadn't seen her for at least 15 years. Her daughter was with her (a year older than myself). Back in school she was hot to trot and ran with the preppy crowd. Now she is at least 50-75lbs overweight and didn't look like she was married. Not comparing, mind you, just an observation that being seemingly perfect in high school doesn't necessarily mean that life will be always perfect.

My cousin stopped me on the street also, I always thought her life was perfect. But seeing her made me realize that no, she has her own cross to bear - it may not look like mine, but it's still there. Don't compare yourself to others - someone will always have a bigger and better yardstick...

"Time, which changes people, does not alter the image we have retained of them." - Marcel Proust


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