Friday, August 24, 2007


"Go for it now. The future is promised to no one." - Wayne Dyer

Been listening to the album, "1984" by Van Halen. A highly energetic album filled with a lot of positive messages. I dare say that it is the best Van Halen album with "Diamond" Dave at the helm. One song that really gets my blood pumping isn't the commercial anthem, "Jump" that everyone associates with this album - but rather the song "I'll Wait".

The chorus of the song goes:

"I'll wait 'til your love comes down,
I'm coming straight for your heart.
No way you can stop me now,
As fine as you are..."

Determination. It's all about determination. He is going to get the girl, no matter what. Even though she may resist or think that he won't - he will. That's what we all need to focus on in our own lives, where is our determination? Where is our drive? How did we lose it? What will it take to get it back?

I fought with this concept this morning. My right ankle has been bothering me so I have been favoring it. I thought about cutting my job short this morning but pushed through. I thought about not biking this morning but pushed through. Thought about not exercising this morning but pushed through. Thought about cutting my morning walk short but pushed through.

Excuses were running through my mind on why I shouldn't continue. But then I flashed on watching the show "Fat March" and how several people had been making the same excuses for quitting the show. Some quit. Others pressed on. I wanted to press on. That's determination.

"If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance." - Andrea Boydston


PS- the much-anticipated book of mine is coming along great! You can download a sample chapter from my website's store! Enjoy!

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