Friday, September 18, 2009

Involuntary Movements

Like I've mentioned before, I see A LOT of roadkill on my way into work in the mornings. From deer to possum to rabbit, either on the side of the road or in the middle of it - the carnage strewn over the highway lanes. I've never, however, seen roadkill that was STILL ALIVE until yesterday morning.

While on my way to work I noticed some movement out on the left side of the road. I passed the area of the movement and saw a raccoon on its side, right leg & arm in a constant twitching motion. I was creeped out and a bit horrified by the sight. Obviously the raccoon was the victim of a vehicle collision and the twitching was an involuntary muscle spasm. I got to work and all I could really do was think of that raccoon for the first 1/2 hour or so of the day. Sure it was a gruesome way to start the day but I think some good came of it.

How many times have we gone through life with some of our own 'involuntary' responses to things that happen around or to us? How often have we taken the negative road when something bad happens to us instead of trusting and looking for a positive? How often do we automatically ignore those that are different from us or defensive when someone criticizes us? How often have we decided to stay within our "comfort zone" and it's involuntary responses rather than step out and try something new or different?

I think of that song by Matthew West, "The Motions":
"I don't wanna go through the motions I don't wanna go one more day..."

The whole song talks about living day in and day out in a "comfort zone" of sorts where everything is predictable, where things happen in an almost-automatic fashion. And yet the singer wishes to break free from that, understanding the risk & pain involved with stepping out of that "comfort zone" & really living life.

When I think of someone that stepped out of his own "comfort zone" and into the world of the unknown, I think of my namesake Matthew from the bible. I've noted about Matthew before and how I can really relate to him. Matthew (or his prior name, Levi) was a tax collector - a MUCH-HATED person among the Jews. All that changed in an instant when Jesus told him to become his disciple. It said that Levi got up, left everything, & followed Jesus.

I can imagine that Matthew was wealthy, often tax collectors of his day charged exorbitant taxes & fees - far above that which was required of the Roman Empire - in order to line their own pockets. I'm sure he had friends within the Roman Empire & among the weathier Jews as well. Time filled with wine, women, song, & wealth. But Matthew decided to make a change, to step away from what was familiar to him - what was comfortable - and stepped into the unknown. To go from involuntary living to a life of adventure & discovery.

Is your life a series of involuntary movements? Come with me, step away from your "comfort zone" and step into an adventure! Just like Matthew, you WON'T be sorry...

"Later, as Jesus left the town, he saw a tax collector named Levi sitting at his tax collector’s booth. “Follow me and be my disciple,” Jesus said to him. So Levi got up, left everything, and followed him." Luke 5:27-28, NLT


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