Tuesday, September 09, 2008


"To me faith means not worrying." - John Dewey

Take it the way you wish, but miracles & blessings happen all the time. Some go unnoticed, while others end up being newsworthy. When you look for them, you will find them. Maybe it's that parking spot in a busy parking lot that opens up right in front of the store you need to visit. Maybe it's finding the exact change needed to purchase an item or finding a $20 bill when you thought you only had a $5 bill.

I had a noticeable blessing today. I have been belly-aching about this for quite a long time. I am a member of a local Toastmasters club, a group of people training and practicing to become better public speakers. I fell into this group when I lost weight and wanted to tell my story. It has helped me hone my public speaking skills and speaking style. I've met a lot of people and there is a core group of people that are there each week to support each other.

I've advanced in the group and I believe currently I am the highest ranking person with the designations of Advanced Communicator Silver and Advanced Leader Bronze. I am also currently serving to the best of my ability as president of the club.

Dues for the next semester are coming up on October1st and with Bren without a job and our emergency fund getting dangerously low - I was going to have to step away from the group. It was a hard choice to make, but we didn't/don't have the $40 to continue the membership. I let the officers know last week of our situation and that it may be time for me to step down until our finances got back to normal.

After the pastor's sermon on Sunday, I began to think about my decision to quit the club. I was going to let the group know today (Tuesday) at the meeting that I would be unable to continue in the club after October 1st. Instead I decided to let God lead, if He wanted me to continue my training as a public speaker, He would provide the money to do so. I was leaving it up to Him and trusting his direction.

I talked to the treasurer after the meeting and asked about possibly making payments or working out some sort of arrangement so that I could continue leading the club. He told me that the other officers had discussed the situation and felt led to pay my dues for the next semester out of the club treasury.

So, there was my answer. I guess I need to continue leading and training. I would have been a little bummed if it didn't work out, but if it did happen that I couldn't continue - I know deep down that there is somewhere else that I needed to be at that point in my life.
Keep the faith and let God lead. You never know where you'll go, but where you end up is where He wants you to be...

"Faith makes things possible, not easy." - Author Unknown


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