Friday, November 02, 2007


"Sometimes I worry about being a success in a mediocre world." - Lily Tomlin

I heard somewhere that a rut is just a grave with the ends kicked out. Do you hate the "daily grind", the "rat race", the "hum drum existence"? In our weight loss journey, this is called a "plateau" - no weight gain/no weight loss. I hate it and I am sure those that experience it hate it as well.

We need to use this time, this feeling of mediocrity as a staging for daring to change - do something great, something challenging, something out of the ordinary. If we are not comfortable or like where we are in life, then we need to make a change. Dare to dream, dare to excel, dare to fly in the face of conformity and comfort.

I rally today to plan out a break from the mediocre. You and I were destined for more than that!

"Mediocrity is a hand-rail." - Charles Louis de Secondat

"Dead Man Walking: A Weight Loss Journey" e-Book is now on sale!

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