"When you stretch the truth, watch out for the snapback." - Bill Copeland
I credit my successful weightloss so far in part to my accountability partner. She's been a tough customer but also I think my biggest fan. She has been with me through my ups and my downs, always willing to snap the whip when needed. I am thankful to my mother-in-law for all she has done for me.
One of my keys to success has been accountability. Find yourself someone that DOES NOT LIVE WITH YOU to be your accountability partner. Find a co-worker, friend, church member, someone that is willing to take on the task of keeping you on the straight and narrow. This person must be willing to email or call you on a daily or weekly basis about your progress. They must also be willing to offer encouragement and also admonishment when needed. It will not work unless you find someone willing to commit to such a task.
Finding that someone will take time. In the meantime I recommend posting to a diet forum, either alt.support.diet, or some other diet newsgroup or forum with your daily activity & food diary. What's the point of this? I think you may find it a little harder to binge if you have to account to someone else about your food and exercise. You'll think twice about that second helping of cheesecake or that midnight refridgerator raid. You'll also have someone to turn to when you do have those urges and they will be able to "talk you down" and get you back on track.
I have avoided many binges knowing full well I would be accountable for them, afraid of the disappointment and admonishment from my accountability partner. Hopefully you will find a strong person willing to take the role.
"A half truth is a whole lie." - Yiddish Proverb
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