This morning as I was pulling out of the driveway I noticed this woman walking her dog. Now I have seen her for years walking the same dog, but much earlier in the morning. I used to pass her when out on my early morning runs, at that time I think she was working as a school teacher because I noticed her wearing school staff clothing from time to time. But this morning I noticed something different besides her walking at a later time in the morning, she was walking with a cane.
And that's when I had a sobering thought, aging is inevitable - no matter the facelifts, miracle drugs, or whatever, getting older cannot be stopped. Thinking about that woman & her cane, I felt a little pity for her but more than that I was encouraged by her. Refusing to let an infirmity interfere with something she enjoys - walking her dog. I know people that have let infirmities, bad choices, & everyday life events keep them from living life. Falling into a downward spiral of pity or self-loathing, digging deeper & deeper into the rut they're in (Life Coach Dan Miller calls a rut, "a grave with the ends kicked out").
My mindtrack moved to a strange thought about a scene I had witnessed in a movie. There's an interaction in the movie, "There's Something About Mary", where Greg (the main character) got roped into helping his boss' brother move. The brother is confined to a wheelchair & his whole persona is that of negativity & bitterness. Greg, with a HUGE armoire attached to his back, makes an offhand remark that the armoire is a bit heavy. The response of the brother is what I was reminded of this morning, the wheelchair-bound brother says (paraphrasing) "What I wouldn't give to know what heavy feels like you ungrateful (swear word)!!!"
I've been sick for the past week, unable to really get out and enjoy the great weather. I've been lazy, not working out nor keeping up with my food diary. I've been up at night because of the sickness, unable to get back to sleep. Because of it I've barely been able to help around the house like I should or play with the boys. The pity spiral I've been feeling recently had been getting bad. But seeing that woman this morning gives me hope & encourages me to step out of the spiral & into "the now". Having faith that this sickness will subside & begin to resume where I had left off.
For more sobering thoughts, read Ecclesiastes sometime. Timeless wisdom can be found there, the last verse brings the entire book together:
"That’s the whole story. Here now is my final conclusion: Fear God and obey his commands, for this is everyone’s duty. God will judge us for everything we do, including every secret thing, whether good or bad." - Ecc 12:13-14, NLT
Here's to feeling better, enjoying life, & fighting the good fight...
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