"When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves." - Victor Frankl
We're all different, that's what makes each one of us unique and interesting. I look around at all the different ways to lose weight. Many it seems are geared towards a "cookie cutter" mentality - meaning that one particular path will work for everyone. I find this to be rather untrue. For example, I tried Weight Watchers back in the day and found that the lack of accountability for myself (I was the only guy in a group of middle-age to elderly women) was one of the major setbacks for this path for me. Others may not be able to do without starches or meats for the rest of their lives.
My particular plan draws on several different methods that I had researched. I fit together my weight loss plan through modifying these methods to fit my personality/ability/mentality.
What fits you? Frustrated with your plan? Do research and modify the plan to fit you.
"Change always comes bearing gifts." - Price Pritchett
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