Tuesday, July 22, 2008


"A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver." - Proverbs

I whispered into my new son's ear last night. I try to do this every night. What do I whisper? Words of encouragement, words of strength, positive words. I grew up on negative words. Words like, "stupid", or "idiot", or "worthless". Those words were planted deep into my mind and the fruit from those words was bitter and hurtful.

I told my son that he was going to grow up strong and handsome and smart. I told him that both he and his brother were going to do far greater things than myself. I tell my older son that he can do anything he puts his mind to. I am planting positive seeds in the hopes of seeing better things come to fruition in both my children's lives.

What words are you planting in your daily life? Words of hope or words of despair?


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