Friday, October 26, 2007


"There is nothing that gives more assurance than a mask." - Colette

The above statement is true, we tend to be more confident hiding our "true" selves behind a mask or illusion for fear of being ridiculed. I've hidden behind many masks and illusions over the years, portraying myself as the "funny fat guy" or the "trusted 3rd wheel".

We all could benefit from taking off our masks, tear down our illusions, and just contemplate our own person for a while. Get to know our "true" selves, learn to like our inadequacies, our quirks, the things that make us unique instead of trying to fit in with the world.

I feel the need to do this myself. I've been putting on heirs and have been trying to be something/someone I am not to try and fit in. But I can no longer deny who I am and if others cannot connect with me because of it - so be it.

We are all beautiful people on the inside and I have faith in knowing that if we truly believe that, the beauty on the inside will begin to emerge on the outside...

"When black cats prowl and pumpkins gleam,May luck be yours on Halloween." - Author Unknown

"Dead Man Walking: A Weight Loss Journey" e-Book is now on sale!

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