"Chase down your passion like it's the last bus of the night." - Glade Byron Addams
What fits you for exercise? Is jogging your bag? How about golf? We are all unique and have different likes, passions, dislikes. It's up to you to figure out what fits you in every area of your life. I enjoy getting up at 4am and jogging in the early morning. The rabbits in the yards, the dew on the grass, the quietness of the streets help me to focus on just being alive. I get some of my ideas during this time since there are no distractions to hinder my thought process.
I am beginning to understand what fits me and what doesn't. MLMs do not fit me. I recall a few months ago when a trusted friend/mentor tried to get me to join some crackpot MLM scheme. MLMs can be profitable business ideas but you have to have a certain personality to make it work. I do not fit the personality needed to make a venture like that work.
Broke my heart to have this person continually push me into handing over $274 that I didn't have. The huckster that came to his house to push this on me was a piece of work. Talking about how he has a Hummer and a BMW paid for, wears a Rolex watch, telling me that this fits in with Dave Ramsey and Robert Kyosaki's teachings on one side of his mouth and then asking me for a credit card number out the other side. All this before really explaining what the venture really was.
Found out through my own research that the money is made from getting people to get onboard under you. Think "pyramid scheme" and this is where the particular MLM model I was being sold.
Whether it's finding a new job, a new exercise program, lifestyle management, whatever it is - you need to find something that fits you. There is no cookie-cutter, end-all be-all that spells instant success that you can plug into. You are unique and it's up to you to find out what you're all about.
"Don't ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive. " - Harold Whitman
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