Friday, May 04, 2007


"The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it." - Oscar Wilde

I looked up the word 'indulge' in the dictionary to get the true meaning of the word. This is what I found:

indulge (in-duhlj): to yield to, satisfy, or gratify one's desires, feelings, etc.

In this lifestyle change it is quite alright to indulge from time to time. We all get cravings for different things from beef jerky or bottle of Coca-Cola to chocolate ice cream or chinese food. The thing of it is, we need to satisfy these cravings, otherwise they will grow into obsessions and cause either over-indulgence or bingeing.

I have been a 'victim' of this. I found myself at times constantly thinking about chinese food. Dreaming of it, it seemed to consume my entire being. At last I could take no more and I tried to mildy satisfy the craving (which by this time had grown into a full-blown obsession). Let me just say the night ended with massive guilt and a VERY sick stomach.

If it can fit into your lifestyle change, feel free to indulge once in a while. Obviously there are things that we cannot indulge because our self-control is not there or they are detrimental to our lifestyle. I know for a fact that I cannot eat at certain restaurants because I cannot control myself.

Above all, remember that you are on a lifestyle change and not a diet. Diets tend to be restrictive and unforgiving, lifestyle changes are flexible and more forgiving - as long as the commitment to keep on track is there.

"It's all right letting yourself go, as long as you can get yourself back." - Mick Jagger


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