Friday, February 02, 2007


"If you're going through hell, keep going." - Winston Churchill

Perserverance is weathering the storm, persistence is storming the castle. Sometimes we just need to press on and keep going though the current circumstances say "quit and give up now". i felt that way this week. Weigh in came back at 256lbs - no gain/no loss. Another month with no change really begins to grate or wear down one's motivation or drive.

But I continue on, making tweaks and changes to my lifestyle that will jumpstart or facilitate the weight loss again. Years ago I would have just given up, grabbed a quart of toffee ice cream and said "piss on it". But then again I did not have the drive nor the support that I do now.

Are you among the 9% of Americans that have stuck with their New Year's resolutions? Persistence and Perserverance go hand in hand. Today is your day to start over. Dust off that list of resolutions and try again. You can do it!

"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." - Thomas Alva Edison


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