Friday, December 08, 2006

Christmas Diet???

"We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration seldom generates action." - Frank Tibolt

I recently came across this article while perusing Scientists in New Zealand are claiming that it isn't realistic to start a diet around the holidays and expect to stick with it. I tend to disagree to a point.

I think that you can start a diet (I really hate that term, rather like "lifestyle change" instead) at any time of the year. To make it successful and ongoing takes commitment. Commitment has been the most important key for me in my journey. I have fallen off the wagon, had months of no progress as far as the weight goes, but I continue on because I have committed in my heart that I will stick with it. No commitment = failure.

Sure the holidays are tempting with the cakes, candy, sweets, nuts, and other favorites, but if you resign yourself to the fact that you need to indulge a little - your chances of success will increase.

The goal of the holiday season is to maintain your lifestyle change, it took a few friends on ASD (thanks to The Historian especially) for me to truly understand this concept. Once I got the message, the worries of over-indulging and ending up in a shame spiral began to disappear. Just need my accountability partner to understand that concept...

"All know the way; few actually walk it." - Bodhidharma

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