Fall is definitely here. Downtown Holland is decked out with pumpkins, hay bales, & cornstalks. It's getting a bit chillier on my 4am jogs as well, I may need to break out my winter hat and gloves if it gets much colder.
To get the bad stuff out of the way first, I was unable to get a weigh-in number this month due to the fact that the scale I use for my weigh-ins was in need of repair. Hopefully they will have it fixed soon so I can check my weight. They did have a traditional sliding-weight scale, but I cannot compare those numbers to the electronic scale (as I think it was in need of calibration).
On the other side of things I have several exciting things to report:
* I had recently sent a letter to the mayor of Holland explaining my weight loss efforts and how on my noon walks I noticed so many lovely things about the city. From the changing seasons on the Window on the Waterfront, to the wonderful Victorian architecture in many of the historic homes. I thought that the city could benefit from taking a day to check out their own neighborhoods and had asked the mayor to dedicate September 28th as "Walk Your Neighborhood Day".
I met with the mayor in person this past Monday, where he proceeded to present a proclamation stating that September 28th would indeed be "Walk Your Neighborhood Day" in Holland. I have scanned a copy of it into my photo album on Yahoo.
* I was recently contacted by the events coordinator for Holland Hospital and was asked to speak publicly about my weight loss as a part of their winter catalog of events. I was absolutely floored! Of course I would do it!
* This past Tuesday I entered my Toastmasters International group's humorous speech contest. To my surprise, my speech entitled - "The See Food Diet", won first place! And now apparently I have the opportunity to compete in an area speaking contest among the winners of the 4 other area Toastmasters International groups. i have scanned a copy of that award as well.
* I also have to honor of being presented with an award in a few weeks from the West Michigan Character Council, a group that meets to discuss character-building and recognize those in the area that have shown character.
* I have also launched a new project on YouTube that I have titled "PhatteningPhilms". I will be posting videos of my speeches as well as starting a bi-weekly show called, "The Fattening of America", where I hope to share some of the bizarre and misleadings things I have come across in my weight loss journey - www.youtube.com/user/phatteningphilmsI have two videos up now with more to come...
Lots of positive things going on, I truly feel blessed.Yesterday was a very special day for me and my wife Brenda. 10 years ago yesterday we were pronounced man and wife. Bren has been a great wife, mother, supporter, & friend. Honestly I cannot say where I would be today without her love and support. She truly deserves much more than I could ever give her. Happy Anniversary, Bren...
Feel free to check out some of the photos from that magical day:http://photos.yahoo.com/mvanderplow
Although this update didn't include a weigh-in figure, there still are many positive non-scale victories!
Thank you all again for your continued support throughout my weight loss journey. Myself and my family really and deeply appreciate it!
481/248??/225(starting weight/current weight/goal weight)
First mini goal achieved - 104lbs lost 10/26/04
Second mini goal achieved - 137lbs lost 01/28/05
Third mini goal achieved - 183lbs lost 09/30/05
Fourth mini goal achieved - 204lbs total lost 01/30/06
Fifth mini goal achieved - 233lbs total lost by 08/31/06
Sixth mini goal - 256lbs total lost by 02/27/07
Formerly "Super Obese", I have lost a total of 240lbs without the help of pills or surgery. I have found some simple keys to losing weight by changing my lifestyle and eating habits. I use this blog as a sounding board for issues related to my own weightloss journey as well as other relevant topics.
Friday, September 29, 2006
Friday, September 22, 2006
"Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned." - Peter Marshall
Sometimes things just pop into my head as far as what to blog about...
Priorities. We need to have them in our lives if we can ever expect to keep control. The thing that spurred this thought was an offer I got to go to Kalamazoo to see some races with a friend that I recently met. Unfortunately the cost is a little too much for our budget right now. We have several expenses coming up including a couple of birthdays and doctor's appointments.
I was kinda looking forward to going and hanging out with some guys (the first time in a l-o-o-o-o-ong time) but I really could not justify the expense. the money involved could have been one doctor's appointment or one birthday present. And with insurance sales on the decline, every penny counts.
But that is a priority. Bills and prior commitments before fun. Sure future opportunities will come up and hopefully we will have the money set aside to do them. You need to have a list of priorities in your life, it's a good time management, money management, & life management tool. Quality time - in that you spend your time and energy on a small list of important things than trying to spread your time an energy over a broad list of things that include some stuff that may or may not be important.
Go ahead (today is a great day to start) and make a list of important things in your life and prioritize them. It'll be a VERY freeing experience...
"Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced." - James Baldwin
Sometimes things just pop into my head as far as what to blog about...
Priorities. We need to have them in our lives if we can ever expect to keep control. The thing that spurred this thought was an offer I got to go to Kalamazoo to see some races with a friend that I recently met. Unfortunately the cost is a little too much for our budget right now. We have several expenses coming up including a couple of birthdays and doctor's appointments.
I was kinda looking forward to going and hanging out with some guys (the first time in a l-o-o-o-o-ong time) but I really could not justify the expense. the money involved could have been one doctor's appointment or one birthday present. And with insurance sales on the decline, every penny counts.
But that is a priority. Bills and prior commitments before fun. Sure future opportunities will come up and hopefully we will have the money set aside to do them. You need to have a list of priorities in your life, it's a good time management, money management, & life management tool. Quality time - in that you spend your time and energy on a small list of important things than trying to spread your time an energy over a broad list of things that include some stuff that may or may not be important.
Go ahead (today is a great day to start) and make a list of important things in your life and prioritize them. It'll be a VERY freeing experience...
"Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced." - James Baldwin
Friday, September 15, 2006
My first public speech...
I gave a speech recently to a group of FPU students on commitment. I was nervous and did a lot of hand wringing as you will see on the video. Not too bad for my first...
Monday, September 11, 2006
Things done differently...
"If nothing ever changed, there'd be no butterflies." - Author Unknown
Found someone I went to school with on Myspace (well I found a few people) and we have been conversing a little back and forth, catching up and all that. I had commented that since high school, many of the things I envied in people had become really petty over the years.
For example, 2 of the preps I knew in high school - guys that seemed to have it all, chicks, money, friends, etc., we in totally different situations now. One is a car salesman and the other is a realtor. They turned out a lot different than I had once imagined they would after high school/college. But that's the thing, we have plans but sometimes those plans don't work out the way we had hoped. Just to toss in a bible verse - Proverbs 16:9,
'We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps.'
In the conversation, she had mentioned an experience at a store in Chicago when she was 18. She was being lorded over because the staff thought she was a model. Once the truth came out, some had suggested she get into the business. She chose not to take that particular career path, but as all of us do - sometimes wondered what would have happened if she did. Of course not saying that the lives we have now aren't great, but there is always a few 'what if's' hanging in the back of our minds.
I have a few, 'What if I got the balls to ask Luann to the prom instead of going with Andrea?', 'What if I got my act together and pursued the film career path at WMU instead of being overwhelmed to the point of suicide?', 'What if I didn't meet Bren, would I be living in Texas with my mother right now?'
I've heard it before and always seem to use it when people say, 'I should have' or 'I could have' - Hindsight is ALWAYS 20/20, always. Sure there are things that I would have changed or done differently, but that wouldn't have brought me to here, to right now. Have you ever seen the movie, "The Family Man" with Nicholas Cage? He had the opportunity to make a different choice in his life, to snag the girl he'd let go of previously. He went from Wall Street to Main Street, watch the movie to see what he chose to do in the end...
It's alright and important to make plans for your life, but remember who holds that life in the balance. Little interruptions or distractions or frustrations may be steering you onto a pathway that is better than you could ever have even imagined...
"Things alter for the worse spontaneously, if they be not altered for the better designedly." - Francis Bacon
Found someone I went to school with on Myspace (well I found a few people) and we have been conversing a little back and forth, catching up and all that. I had commented that since high school, many of the things I envied in people had become really petty over the years.
For example, 2 of the preps I knew in high school - guys that seemed to have it all, chicks, money, friends, etc., we in totally different situations now. One is a car salesman and the other is a realtor. They turned out a lot different than I had once imagined they would after high school/college. But that's the thing, we have plans but sometimes those plans don't work out the way we had hoped. Just to toss in a bible verse - Proverbs 16:9,
'We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps.'
In the conversation, she had mentioned an experience at a store in Chicago when she was 18. She was being lorded over because the staff thought she was a model. Once the truth came out, some had suggested she get into the business. She chose not to take that particular career path, but as all of us do - sometimes wondered what would have happened if she did. Of course not saying that the lives we have now aren't great, but there is always a few 'what if's' hanging in the back of our minds.
I have a few, 'What if I got the balls to ask Luann to the prom instead of going with Andrea?', 'What if I got my act together and pursued the film career path at WMU instead of being overwhelmed to the point of suicide?', 'What if I didn't meet Bren, would I be living in Texas with my mother right now?'
I've heard it before and always seem to use it when people say, 'I should have' or 'I could have' - Hindsight is ALWAYS 20/20, always. Sure there are things that I would have changed or done differently, but that wouldn't have brought me to here, to right now. Have you ever seen the movie, "The Family Man" with Nicholas Cage? He had the opportunity to make a different choice in his life, to snag the girl he'd let go of previously. He went from Wall Street to Main Street, watch the movie to see what he chose to do in the end...
It's alright and important to make plans for your life, but remember who holds that life in the balance. Little interruptions or distractions or frustrations may be steering you onto a pathway that is better than you could ever have even imagined...
"Things alter for the worse spontaneously, if they be not altered for the better designedly." - Francis Bacon
Sunday, September 03, 2006
"Changed, nothing stays the same..."
"Unchained, hit the ground running..." - Van Halen, "Unchained"
Nothing can't stay the same. Life has to move forward. We need to experience new things. The day we are born is the same day we begin to die. There is so much out there, we need to cram in as much as possible. Create new memories that we will cherish forever.
My parents came back from Florida this week. They had gone to Disneyworld to spend a little time in their second childhood. My step-mom is getting up in years and they both try to make as many memories as possible of the time they spend together. My dad told me a story of going to a restaurant at Disney where Mickey, Pluto, Chip & Dale came around the restaurant and visited with all the patrons. Mickey made it a point to stop by my parents table at least 4 times, each time giving my step-mom a hug & a kiss. I can only imagine the look of joy on her face and hear the little school-girl giggle that she gets when she is happy.
I took the time to map out a plan for each day so that my parents could maximize their vacation time. My dad told me when they got back that he truly appreciated that because they were able to create some really memorable times together. That made me feel good.
In this fast-paced world, we often overlook opportunities to make memories like that. We're too busy, too lazy, too self-absorbed to aspire to do that. I know myself, I have been guilty of that. Choosing my own selfish ambitions or paths instead of making what could have been some really great memories.

This is me back in the summer of 2003. I could barely keep up with the family, using Javan's stroller to lean on. You would think that seeing the expanding waistband or the slow creeping of the car seat backwards would have made me stop and think about the life that was slowly escaping not only me, but that of my friends and family. I was blind and deaf to the warning signs.

This is me today. I have come a long way. I still struggle with my selfish tendencies. I still have missed opportunities to interact and strengthen bonds with neighbors, friends, & family. The difference now is that it is my choice and not my limitations. And I deal with that on a daily basis.
Try to create some special memories with your loved ones and friends today. Down the road you will be glad you did....
Nothing can't stay the same. Life has to move forward. We need to experience new things. The day we are born is the same day we begin to die. There is so much out there, we need to cram in as much as possible. Create new memories that we will cherish forever.
My parents came back from Florida this week. They had gone to Disneyworld to spend a little time in their second childhood. My step-mom is getting up in years and they both try to make as many memories as possible of the time they spend together. My dad told me a story of going to a restaurant at Disney where Mickey, Pluto, Chip & Dale came around the restaurant and visited with all the patrons. Mickey made it a point to stop by my parents table at least 4 times, each time giving my step-mom a hug & a kiss. I can only imagine the look of joy on her face and hear the little school-girl giggle that she gets when she is happy.
I took the time to map out a plan for each day so that my parents could maximize their vacation time. My dad told me when they got back that he truly appreciated that because they were able to create some really memorable times together. That made me feel good.
In this fast-paced world, we often overlook opportunities to make memories like that. We're too busy, too lazy, too self-absorbed to aspire to do that. I know myself, I have been guilty of that. Choosing my own selfish ambitions or paths instead of making what could have been some really great memories.
This is me back in the summer of 2003. I could barely keep up with the family, using Javan's stroller to lean on. You would think that seeing the expanding waistband or the slow creeping of the car seat backwards would have made me stop and think about the life that was slowly escaping not only me, but that of my friends and family. I was blind and deaf to the warning signs.
This is me today. I have come a long way. I still struggle with my selfish tendencies. I still have missed opportunities to interact and strengthen bonds with neighbors, friends, & family. The difference now is that it is my choice and not my limitations. And I deal with that on a daily basis.
Try to create some special memories with your loved ones and friends today. Down the road you will be glad you did....
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