Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I read an article the other day and shared it on my podcast, 'The Fattening of America" about airlines beginning to charge overweight passengers more for passage on their planes. They reason that if you cannot fit into one seat, you should be required to purchase the additional seat you will be occupying.

Now I can see some backlash coming down the pipe with this arrangement. Some lawyer could create a class-action suit claiming discrimination on the airline's behalf by making obese people (the poor people that cannot stop themselves from being obese) pay more for their flights. As if they have entitlement to not having to pay more.

Hey, 5 years ago I would have had to pay extra for a seat on an aircraft and probably wouldn't have made a stink about it. It's embarrassing enough to have to ask for an additional seat plus a seatbelt extender. It was my own fault I became obese and being "soft" on me is no way to help me make better choices but rather it would only allow me to wallow in my obesity.

Maybe I'm rambling, but we all have choices to make. Sometimes we make the right choices and other times we do not. We need to pay for the consequences of those choices regardless. If that means paying more for health insurance or an airline ticket - so be it. Maybe by hitting people where it hurts most - the pocketbook - we could begin a trend of people making healthier choices in their lives and reduce our nation's obesity ranks.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My race results...

Bib #138
Name Matthew Vanderplow
Residence Location Zeeland MI
Sex M
Age Division 35-39
Current Age 35
Chip Time 41:35
Clock Time 41:48
Overall Place 74th
Sex Place 37
Age Division Place 5
Global Division Place 31.7%

Soooooo, what does all that mean?
- I didn't place last overall (79 contestants, I passed 4 people including 2 teenage girls)
- I didn't place last for the men (38 male contestants, I passed an older gentleman that really tried hard)
- I did place last in my division (5 males, 35-39 age division, I was twice the time of another 35yr old)
- I placed in the 31.7% of other 35-39 males that completed a 5k race in the same timeframe around the globe (anything over 60%, or a time of 22 minutes would place me in the normal class for my age group)

ANDDDDDDDDD, according to the computer chip I was 6 minutes and 12 seconds FASTER than my first 5k race time. This is a HUGE deal to me, my hard work is starting to pay off. I am beginning to see results both on the scale and with my endurance. Wished I had some of my friends there to celebrate with, today was definitely a day to celebrate...


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Life in general...

I recall a quote that I read once from a soldier that returned from duty in Iraq, "Every day above ground is a good day..."

How often do we wake in the morning and set ourselves up for failure? Wake up late, hurry and get dressed, complain about traffic, get to work on time (barely), sit and stew for 8 hours, go home and talk about how sh*tty a day it was.

The old computer axiom is still valid today - "garbage in/garbage out". It's what we set our minds on that determines our day.

So tell me, what are you setting your mind on today? Another day of failure? Another day of regret?


Friday, April 03, 2009

Lose, Fatboy, Lose Update - March 2009

Got up in a bad mood this morning. Bren had gotten up with Logan @ 1am and here it was 4am and he was up again. After trying to calm him down in our bed I decided to just take him with me into the living room so that Bren could get some more sleep before getting up for work. I really wanted to run this morning but with Logan being as clingy as he was, I would have to skip running today.

Logan was still fussy and when he finally fell asleep I tried to put him in his bed, but he awoke the minute I laid him down and started wailing all over again. Had to skip exercise because by the time he was in a deep enough sleep, it was time to get ready for work. I grumbled and groaned as I got on the scale and saw the 314lb number, blaming Logan for not allowing me to exercise or run that morning to provide a more accurate reading (I always weigh in after my morning exercise and before I get dressed). But that was the wrong attitude, he's teething and can't help waking up in pain and needing comfort. So I missed running this morning - it was rainy & cold, I can make up for it tomorrow. The exercise can be done tonight when I get home from work, will be good to shake off the sluggishness I feel after sitting in an office chair for 8 hours a day.

I'll weigh in soon to get a more accurate reading, no biggie.

But it's always been more than numbers on a scale to me. Sometimes I think that shows like "The Biggest Loser" are counter-productive by instilling the impression that losing only 2 or 3 pounds a week is not a good thing. The safest weight loss has always been 1-2lbs a week, and that is for long-term weightloss (keeping it off).

Looking to my right I see the application for the next 5k race coming up. I was on the fence on whether or not to compete, but the more I think about it the more I have the desire to do it. On March 16 I competed in my first 5k race in over a year. 47:47 was my time, a time that I am damn proud of. Proud because of 2 things - I completed the race and I never stopped running. Others may have beaten my time even with stopping to fast-walk, but I never quit. It's the same with my weightloss journey - I WILL NEVER QUIT. A big thanks to those that supported me at the finish line - Bren, Javan, Logan, Nick, & Gary (sorry you had the time mixed up, I know you were there in spirit!). I'll post event details for the next race, hopefully I can have an even bigger crowd this time around!

I'm only one week away from completing my first intervals series from, thanks to the program I am able to run for 30min non-stop which is a HUGE accomplishment for me. I've had to forgo working out at the aquatic center because of the limitations of their treadmills, which now with the better weather ahead I am not lamenting one bit about doing the workouts on the road.

Sitting here listening to "Brian Wilson" by Barenaked Ladies and thinking about the line in the song, "Lyin' in bed, just like Brian Wilson did..." I don't know the whole story behind the line but am familiar that the former Beach Boy spent an entire year in bed battling mental illness and depression. He gained a lot of weight during that time as if he just gave up on life and found comfort in the most basest of needs. Truth be told, I've thought about giving up. Having trouble staying on task, not seeing the scale needle move in the direction I want it to go, seeing others succeeding at their endeavors - the excuses seem to keep piling up.

But the reasons outweigh the excuses. I have people looking up to me, I have a wife and 2 sons that look up to me, I have an innate desire to inspire, encourage, & help people. I have mission to fulfill. I am realizing that more and more as I write blogs, as I produce podcasts & videos, as I look at those around me and see the need.

Take care, my friends and supporters. Think of me in the coming weeks as I take a hard look at my exercise routine to increase my strength and endurance.


PS - Anyone have a lead on used bikes (less than $50)? Unfortunately my Walmart cruiser will need to be retired (costs more to fix than it's worth)...